World Down Syndrome Day

Down Syndrome Awareness week takes place on 18th – 24th March 2024

and World Down Syndrome Day is 21st March 2024

We would love you to get involved in Down Syndrome Awareness Week this year to raise awareness of Down syndrome and raise funds for Downright Special.

There are many ways you can get involved to help raise money and awareness, including:

  • Lots of Socks – Raise awareness by wearing your lots of socks and posting your pictures on social media using the hashtags #LotsofSocks #WDSD2024 Don’t forget to tag us in too! Official socks can be purchased from  but you can wear whatever socks you like!
  • Fancy a kick about?! ⚽🏆 Raise awareness and fundraise for Downright Special! Join the Downright Special First Touch UK Charity Football Match! Led by Football Coach and Dad to Mia, Karl Southwick.  All parents/carers/grandparents/family and friends welcome! This event takes place on Sunday 24th March 2024, 2pm-4pm, Haworth Park, Hull. Children and young adults welcome to spectate and cheer on, and also join in for a kick about after the match too! For more information see the poster or contact to sign up!
  • Hold a coffee morning at your school, nursery, workplace, local community centre or even your home in return for donations. We all love a coffee and a good chat over a slice of cake!
  • Create a Facebook Fundraiser:
  • Please like and share our daily posts on social media on the theme of End the Stereotypes

Please see our Awareness Week Fundraising pack with information and more ideas for how you might get involved.

If you would like any collection buckets, leaflets, balloons, or posters please email or contact 07923 600160

We hope you are able to celebrate with us!


Lots of Socks?

Each year on the 21st of March we celebrate World Down Syndrome Day. People with Down syndrome have an extra chromosome (they have 3 copies of chromosome 21 - hence 21/3, 21st March!) and to support World Down Syndrome day the "Lots of Socks" fundraising campaign is a worldwide campaign run by Down Syndrome International.

Why Lots of Socks?

This is a picture of chromosomes which some say look a little bit like pairs of socks.  Sometimes people have an extra ‘sock’ or chromosome and a person with Down syndrome has an extra copy of chromosome 21 as you can see in the picture. That’s ok – it just means that some things a little harder for them.  They are a little different but different is ok. People with Down syndrome learn, laugh, love, live and, just like the rest of us, sometimes also get cross, sad, dislike things, get uncomfortable being stared at and just want to join in with everyone else.  Where children with Down syndrome and other disabilities are given opportunities to join in, all children benefit from this and environments of friendship, acceptance, respect for everyone and high expectations are created.

Inclusive environments also help to prepare all today’s children for life as tomorrow’s adults, enabling adults with Down syndrome to live, work and join-in, with confidence and independence, fully included in society alongside their friends and peers.

Down Syndrome Awareness Week March 2024

Down Syndrome Awareness Week took place this year from the 18th of March to the 24th. This year's theme is "End the Stereotypes". Click here to find out more.


From Twitter

Friday Sessions

We're delighted to announce that our Winter sessions will continue to be face to face. We have the following dates to share.



19th 26th



10th 17th 24th

Note half term on Friday 31st, so no session on this date.



14th 21st 28th





Can't attend a session?

Please let us know if you cannot attend a session - either contact your group leader direct, or contact the office on 01482 420160 or

Friday Visitors

We regularly have visitors to our Friday sessions, whether they be healthcare professionals, friends from the community or old faces returning to have a catch up with us.