Parent Packs for Expectant or New Parents
If you are expecting a baby and you are being cared for by Hull Women & Children’s Hospital or if your little one was born in Hull, the hospital midwife should give you one of Downright Special’s Parent Packs containing up-to-date useful information about Down syndrome as well as information about Downright Special.
We have two types of pack:

1. Expectant Parent Pack - available in the antenatal screening unit for those who find out that they might be expecting a baby with Down syndrome

2. New Parent Pack - available on the labour wards and NICU for new parents whose baby has just been born.
If you haven’t received a pack and would like one, then please get in touch by emailing office@downrightspecial.co.uk or call us at 01482 420160.

Social Events
We arrange regular social events to ensure that the children and young people have fun with their peers, parents have a chance to engage with other parents, and siblings can make new friends within other families that include children with Down syndrome. We tailor events to suit the needs of children and young people with Down syndrome, so families know all events are safe, suitable and inclusive.
We offer lots of different events throughout the year so that hopefully everyone can attend something that suits them. We send out social stories before each event and always ask for feedback about other adjustments needed that might help each family to enjoy themselves. Wherever possible we try to find venues that have a quiet space for those who may need it.
Check out our ‘What’s On’ page to find information about upcoming events.