Our vision is to build a brighter future for people with Down syndrome enabling them to achieve their full potential, at home, at school, in the workplace and in the community.

Our mission is to provide support, education, training and advocacy services in all aspects of the care and education of people with Down syndrome from diagnosis through to adulthood.

Downright Special recognises that each individual with Down syndrome is unique and that some may have more complex needs. We pledge to create an environment where all individuals and their families feel welcome and supported regardless of diagnosis or ability.

Parent Feedback
“We came to the Friday Group when Toby was two weeks old and it’s the centre of our whole world for him now. We arrive for the group at about 10am so we all catch up first, have a coffee and the kids play together. Before the lessons start, the kids have a dance session and exercises to work on their core strength and motor skills and then a snack time to socialise and fuel up for their lesson! Toby is two now and he’s in the toddler group for his lesson. The sessions focus on communication using lots of visual resources.
It’s a really well structured lesson. We look at individual letters of the alphabet to help him with his speech. He is also learning colours, shapes and numbers. He is able to do so much more than I ever would have expected. We’ve seen Toby come on in leaps and bounds since coming to the Friday Group. Downright Special has given me the tools to take home and teach him, and they are skills I wouldn’t have had. Magic Bag is the finale to Friday mornings. Everyone sings and signs in a circle, and each child takes a turn to take something out of the bag, so if it’s a frog we sing about it, and learn through play at a pace that is right for our children.”
- Lauren, Mum to Toby